Account Management
- Registration/ Application
LookCard Platform Accounts
- How many accounts can one user register for LookCard Platform. 一個使用者可以在LookCard平臺注冊多少個賬戶?
- What is the function of Current Account Wallet? 目前的帳戶錢包的功能是什麼?
- What is the function of a Credit Limit Wallet? 信用卡額度錢包的功能是什麼?
- What is the process for transferring fund into my Current Account Wallet? 如何將資金轉入我的活期帳戶錢包?
- Is there a minimum deposit amount required? 存款是否有最低金額限制?
- What is the minimum amount of USDT/ USDC I can top up to my Current Account Wallet? 我目前的帳戶錢包最少可以充值多少 USDT/ USDC?
- What should I do if my digital currency transfer is missing? 如果我的數位貨幣轉帳不見了,我該怎麼辦?
- How can I transfer USDT/ USDC to my friends? 我如何將 USDT/ USDC 轉帳給我的朋友?
- Can I withdraw my collateral amount? 我可以提取我的擔保金額嗎?
- Deposit
- Charges and Fee Structure