- How to increase my credit limit? 如何提高我的信用額度?
- Does my collateral requirement increase with each credit limit adjustment? 每一次信用額度調整,我的擔保要求都會增加嗎?
- What is the turnaround time for a dispute case after it is raised, and how will we be informed of the outcome? ?爭議案件提出后,處理時間為多久?我們如何得知結果?
- Will my expired credit card be automatically renewed like a bank credit card? 我過期嘅信用卡會像銀行信用卡一樣自動續期嗎?
- How to activate my credit card? 如何啟用我的信用卡?
- How will I receive updates on my credit card delivery? 我會如何收到信用卡寄送的進展消息?
- Is OTP required for all online purchases? 所有線上購物都需要 OTP 嗎?
- [Coming Soon] LookCard+ Physical Card Delivery Information: Ensuring a Seamless Experience [即將推出] LookCard+實體卡片配送資訊:確保無縫體驗
- How to check and download my statement from LookCard App? 如何從 LookCard App 檢查和下載我的對帳單?
- How to freeze and unfreeze my credit card? 如何凍結和解凍我的信用卡?
- Does the credit card have an expiry date? 信用卡有有效期限嗎?
- What happens to the online subscription fees linked to an expired LookCard? 若綁定于線上訂閲費用的LookCard卡已過期會發生什麽?
- What are the conditions or requirements for terminating my credit card?終止我的信用卡的條件或要求是什麽?
- How long does the cancellation process take, and what should I expect during this time? 取消流程需時多長?在此期間我應該期待什麼?