- Ensure Sufficient Balance
- Make sure that your Current Account Wallet has sufficient digital currencies to initiate for the payment.
- If you do not have sufficient balance, deposit the required amount into your Current Account Wallet first.
- Navigate to the Account Button from Navigation Bar
- Select “Repayment“, you will be able to select for payment from the options given, such as Outstanding Balance, Statement Balance, Minimum Payment or Any Amount.
- Then, select the currency you would like to used for payment.
- Initiate Payment
- Review and make sure that your choice of selection or details you entered is correct.
- Then, initiate “Pay Now” button.
- The screen will prompt for a notification box regardless the transaction is success or failed.
- 確保餘額充足
- 確保您的當前帳戶錢包有足夠的數位貨幣來啟動支付。
- 如果您的餘額不足,請先將所需金額存入您的當前帳戶錢包。
- 從導航欄點擊帳戶按鈕
- 選擇“還款”,您將能夠從給出的選項中選擇付款,例如未清餘額、賬單餘額、最低付款金額或任意金額。
- 然後,選擇您希望用於付款的貨幣。
- 啟動付款
- 檢查並確保您選擇的選項或輸入的詳細信息是正確的。
- 然後,點擊“立即付款”按鈕。
- 無論交易成功或失敗,螢幕將提示通知框。