To increase your credit limit, you may transferring additional funds into Credit Limit Wallet, as outline below:
- Top up additional funds to your Current Account Wallet (if there is insufficient funds to be transferred to Credit Limit Wallet).
- Enter the amount you wish to transfer from your Current Account Wallet to Credit Limit Wallet, aligning with the new credit limit you aim to obtain.
- Review the details and confirm the transfer.
- Your credit limit has been increased successfully.
However, if you have sufficient credit score or a strong financial record with us, you may request a credit limit increase without pledging additional funds.
- Ensure your credit score is in good standing with Lookcard platform.
- Send in a request via email to request for credit limit increment.
- The team will review the application request.
- You will be notified once there is updated status on the application.
- 將額外的資金充值到您的當前帳戶錢包(如果轉入信用額度錢包的資金不足)。
- 輸入您要從當前帳戶錢包轉入信用額度錢包的金額,與您要獲得的新信用額度一致。
- 審查詳細信息並確認轉帳。
- 您的信用額度已成功提高。
- 確保您的信用評分在 Lookcard 平台上良好。
- 通過電子郵件發送請求,要求提高信用額度。
- 團隊將審查申請請求。
- 您的申請狀態更新後,您將收到通知。