How to increase my credit limit?

To increase your credit limit, you may transferring additional funds into Credit Limit Wallet, as outline below:

  • Top up additional funds to your Current Account Wallet (if there is insufficient funds to be used for credit limit increment).
  • Navigate to “Account” tab, click on “Credit Limit Wallet” and you may enter the credit increment amount you wish to obtained under Credit Limit Increment section.
  • Upon confirmation, the amount will be deducted from your Current Account Wallet and transferred to your Credit Limit Wallet.
  • Once verified, your credit limit is successfully increased.

However, if you have sufficient credit score or a strong financial record with us, you may request a credit limit increasment without pledging additional funds.

  • Ensure your credit score is in good standing with platform.
  • Send in a request via email to request for credit limit increment.
  • The team will review the application request.
  • You will be notified once there is updated status on the application.

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Updated on 14/02/2025

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