
如何向您的 LookCard.io 活期账户钱包充值

  1. 查看你的 USDT 余额
    确保您的外部钱包中有足够的 USDT。

  2. 获取你的钱包地址
    Log in to your lookcard.io platform account and copy your Current Account Wallet address.
    注意:仅支持Tron Network(TRC20)。
    You can top up any amount (no minimum required) to your Current Account Wallet. However, to activate your account, users must name an initial deposit of a minimum of USD 200. Upon activation, an activation fee will be deducted and unlock your credit card with a credit limit of USD 98.
  3. 从外部钱包转账
    将您的 LookCard 钱包地址粘贴到您的外部钱包中。输入您要转账的金额并查看详细信息。
  4. 确认并检查你的钱包
    Confirm the transaction and monitor your Current Account Wallet. Transfers typically take 5–30 minutes, depending on network traffic.

更新日期 14/02/2025



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