How to freeze and unfreeze my credit card? 如何凍結和解凍我的信用卡? -

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How to freeze and unfreeze my credit card? 如何凍結和解凍我的信用卡?

Freezing your Credit Card

  1. Launch the app on your device.
  2. Under “Card” section in the app, from the credit card display, click on “Card Details“.
  3. You will be able to see the option of “Block my Credit Card“.
  4. Turn on “Freeze Card” toggle.

REMINDER: Please note that once the card is frozen, you will no longer be able to make online payments or transactions until the card is unfrozen

Unfreezing Your Credit Card

  1. To unfreeze your credit card, you need to contact LookCard Customer Support. 
  2. Use the contact information provided in the app or on the LookCard website to reach out to customer support. 
  3. Provide any necessary information to verify your identity and request to unfreeze your credit card.


1. 在您的設備上啟動 應用程式。
2. 在應用程式的“卡片”部分,從信用卡顯示中,點擊“卡片詳情”。
3. 您將能夠看到“凍結我的信用卡”的選項。
4. 打開“凍結卡片”開關。



1. 要解凍您的信用卡,您需要聯繫 LookCard 客戶支持。
2. 使用應用程式中提供的聯繫資訊或在 LookCard 網站上的聯絡方式聯繫客戶支持。
3. 提供任何必要的信息以驗證您的身份並請求解凍您的信用卡。

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Updated on 26/08/2024