Once your credit card is ready, the shipment will be arranged, and you will receive status updates from the courier company via email. Please ensure that you monitor these updates to track the delivery process.
Updated on 28/11/2024
Once your credit card is ready, the shipment will be arranged, and you will receive status updates from the courier company via email. Please ensure that you monitor these updates to track the delivery process.
+852 3001 1108
Address (Hong Kong):
19A, Soundwill Plaza II Midtown. No:1-29 Tang Lung Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
10:00AM – 08:00PM, Monday – Friday (GMT+8)
+852 3001 1108
Address (Hong Kong):
19A, Soundwill Plaza II Midtown. No:1-29 Tang Lung Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
10:00AM – 08:00PM, Monday – Friday (GMT+8)
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